When: Sat, Dec 7, 2019
Where: Spring Hill Subdivision
Join us for our first annual Holiday House Hop! Take a stroll through the past, present and future of Spring Hill while mixing and mingling with neighbors.
This adults only event will feature stops at three host homes where you’ll enjoy appetizers, drinks and meeting new friends.
House One: 7-8pm “The Past”
Hosts: Kim & Paul Waatti
House Two: 8-9pm “The Present”
Hosts: Sara & Tim Cibor
House Three: 9-10pm “The Future”
Hosts: Karen & Steve Kosto
We encourage participants to park on Castlebar in the school drop off lane. We will meet as a group there and walk to our first house.
Please RSVP for this event by Monday, December 2nd via the Facebook group if possible! If you are not on Facebook or if you have any questions, please contact Sara Cibor at sara.b.cibor@gmail.com or Kim Waatti at kim.waatti@gmail.com.