Spring Hill 2019 HOA Annual Meeting

When: Tue, Dec 3, 2019

Where: Meadow Brook Elementary - Media Center

2019 HOA Annual Meeting

Spring Hill 2019 HOA Annual Meeting

UPDATE 2019-11-23: The meeting has been rescheduled to December 3rd from 7-8:30pm (including the entrance sign discussion) in the MBE Media Center.

UPDATE 2019-11-11: We just received notification from RCS that due to the inclement weather, all after school events, including any facility rentals (like ours) have been cancelled. Due to the road conditions and no backup venue, we will therefore be cancelling the meeting scheduled for tonight. We will reschedule for a later date and will post the information to the Facebook group and website. Thanks for your understanding. Stay safe out there!

UPDATE 2019-10-25: Due to a Book Fair being held in the Media Center for the week, the meeting has been moved to the Art Room.

Our annual HOA meeting will be at Meadow Brook Elementary in the Media Center on Tuesday, December 3rd from 7-8pm, with a discussion on raising money to replace the entrance signs to follow.

We will talk about the things we’ve done over the past year, current concerns in the neighborhood, etc.

We will also be holding elections, which requires paid membership dues to vote, so if you haven’t paid them for 2019 yet, do so now!

Speaking of… we are in need of new board members! Most of the current board has been on the board for several years. We will be shuffling around our officer roles this year so that we keep things somewhat fresh, but we can’t do this indefinitely. This is a great way to become active in the community and help to make our neighborhood an awesome place to live!


* Welcome and Introduction

* Annual Report

* Financial Report

* Election of Officers (requires paid membership dues to vote)

* Committee Updates (social, entrance signs, etc.)

* Unfinished Business

* New Business

* Adjournment for annual meeting

* Entrance Sign discussion

We will try to broadcast the meeting over Facebook Live, technology allowing, but of course your physical presence would be preferred! Hope to see you there!