Spring Hill 2020 Annual Meeting

When: Tue, Nov 10, 2020

Where: Zoom meeting (details below)

2020 HOA Annual Meeting

Spring Hill 2020 Annual Meeting

As the school district is not renting out facilities at this time due to COVID-19, and in the interest of safety, we will be hosting our annual meeting virtually via Zoom.

We will talk about the things we’ve done over the past year, current concerns in the neighborhood, etc.

We will also be holding elections, which requires paid membership dues to vote, so if you haven’t paid them for 2020 yet, do so now!

We are in need of new board members! This is a great way to become active in the community and help to make our neighborhood an awesome place to live. Please contact us if you might be interested.


When: November 9, 2020 7:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting ( https://zoom.us/j/5504490266?pwd=SVpQN3JsNWhtYkxkVHRjSVZzTnFLUT09 )
Meeting ID: 550 449 0266
Passcode: R2N96p
